Week 10

The last full week and we will be finished!!! Class lists for next year will be out on Wednesday. Also on Wednesday is our syndicate picnic and water activity day. Please send in a plate of food, togs, towels, sunscreen, hats and a blanket if you have one. That's all for now. Miss Edwards

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Our new blog page!!

Hi room 15. We are going to start using the blog before we go onto using our Wiki. So what you need to do is click on the word 'comment' at the bottom of this writing. Type in here what you would like to see on our class blog. Give me some ideas about how you think it is looking. What pages can we add? What sort of work would you like to go on here?

The post will be emailed to me and I will read it first. I will then publish it onto our main page, if it is appropriate and you have checked your spelling mistakes and punctuation etc.

We will start to publish work from the classroom onto our blog. That way your grown ups can log on and and see what we are doing. You can give the blog address to relatives that live overseas as well, how exciting for them to be able to see what we are doing!

So get blogging, send me a comment and let's get this blog up and running!!
100 house points to the first person to send me a comment!!! Your growns ups can comment as well. Just remember to write your name so I know who has sent me a message!

Miss Edwards


  1. Hi everyone I really,really loved the train trip.I kept putting my head out of the window

  2. Hi Miss Edwards, I really like our class blog. I hope we have some more stuff on there soon and some more cool pictures.

  3. hi miss edwards, I really love the blogpage thank you veay much

  4. Hi miss Edwards, I like the website but I think we need more things.

  5. Hi miss Ewards,I really enjoy loging on to the blog, because its really fun and excited.

  6. Hey Miss Edwards Ifound out sone cool websites.

    www.coolmathsgames4kids.com and
    [For reading eggs you need to make a new user.]

  7. Hi Miss Edwards I loved the train trip to the Glenbrook Rilaway Station because we got to go on the steam train.

  8. Hi Miss Edwards mabe we can have a reading cornor. who ever reads good can read in the reading cornor

  9. Hi Miss Edwards we should learn more about

  10. Hi Miss Edwards,sweat blog although you could add more things,cause it's kind of boring. I like the mini fish tank and avatar backround.oh yeah it need some games.bye

    from JOSEPH

  11. Hi Miss Edwards how did you make this blog spot it is really cool I am definitly going on at home.Can we make funny photos like you did if we have signed the sheat that you sent home with us please if yes thankyou.

  12. Hi Miss Edwards i am enjoying the BLOG SPOT PAGE. the fish are super duper cool. the backround is cool. and i'd have 2 say that our BLOG SPOT PAGE is the super duper coolest. and i'd like 2 say hi 2 everybody 2morrow bye.

  13. Hi Miss Edwards I really like the blog

  14. Hi Miss Edwards, I really like the train trip because I learnt lots of stuff.

  15. Dions Mum - TeressaMay 4, 2010 at 5:09 PM

    Hi Miss Edwards, I like this idea about the blog. We have family overseas so will be passing this page on. Thank you

  16. Hi Miss Edwards
    We should get some pictures of trains on the

  17. Hi Miss edwards really love fish tank cool background Jaden

  18. Hi Miss Edwards we could put some spelling games on here i know this website called kidsspell it's got 6'000 words to practice!

  19. hi Miss Edwards I really like the blog but I think it needs some games. Can you put a game called math games.com. on our blog.
    From Samuel

  20. Miss edwards love the website

  21. Hi Miss Edwards, I like it so far bye bye. also It's AWESOM !!!

  22. Hi everyone do you think we should put some more stuff on the blog and maybe some more cool pitcher's what do you think Miss Edwards

    By Amy

  23. hi miss edwards the school blog is awesome I hope we have some more cool stuff soon

  24. Hi Miss Edwards mum loves the blog page but she is angry because Scott sprained his wrist because he fell in the pond

  25. hi Miss Edwards
    We should put some games on the blog like
    maths,spelling and reading because they
    are what we learn in class.

  26. Hi there, I'm impressed with your class blog and all the children who have been viewing and commenting on it. I really like the poll that is on there. It is very interesting. I look forward to seeing updates :-)

  27. Hi Miss Edwards I like the blog and my sister loves the fish!

  28. Hi Miss Edwards I think it would be really cool if we had a page where we put close up pictures of things and trie to guess what it is.

  29. From Chloe's sisterMay 10, 2010 at 5:36 PM

    Trian toot,toot.

  30. I really like the class blog I hope we can get some more cool staff like ET

  31. IT IS MY BITHRDAY!!!!!!! today

  32. Hi Room 15,

    Your volcano artwork looks amazing up on the wall in Bookinopolis, Waiuku. Well done everyone,

    Emma (Hannah's mum)


THANKS FOR LEAVING A COMMENT ON OUR BLOG!! All comments are moderated by our teacher before being published online. Please write your comment and then choose 'Name/URL' from the drop down menu where it says "comment as" when leaving your comment below, then write your FIRST name. It is against our blogging guidelines to include last names, so we ask that you abide by this also please. Parents, please use your first name to comment, or identify yourself as "John's Mum" etc. We'd also love to know where in the world you come from if you are a new visitor. THANKS, FROM ROOM 15 & Carolyn Edwards :)